Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Only in New York do you walk home, hear music, and look up and see a guy sitting on the fire escape with his guitar singing along to his playing. It's great. I wish I could have captured that moment.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Some pictures I took of my walk back from work every day....

There is a graphic T shirt website called Threadless that I am now addicted to. It's awesome, I want to design something on there one of these days. Here is the what I found today:

Monday, September 10, 2007

So does anyone have that experience where are you are doing something to truly help a friend but that same friend who you helped and you know you did the right thing by, you lose that friend by helping them and feel lost because you know now that there is nothing you can do and if you did everything over again you would probably do the same exact thing? That is it.

It Was There...Now It's Gone

You think you can
Depend on tails.
You don't expect tails
To go wrong.
The last time I looked
It was right there.
Now when I look there,
It's gone.

It was always
Just behind me,
Always tagging along.
A little something
at the back...
I thought it was there,
And it's gone.

I assumed it was
Attached to me,
That it actually
Hung true.
I'd hoped it was stuck
Very firmly on.
Maybe we needed
Some glue.

It used to trail
Right behind me,
Always tailing along.
My little extra
At the back...
I thought it was there,
Now it's gone.

from "Lessons from the Hundred-Acre Wood" by Hallie Marshall