Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Got up late this morning because I was up late last night and I realize when I have to go back to work my sleeping pattern is going to be all messed up because I have been keeping such late hours...like now, I dont know why I am up, it is as though I am in hyperdrive its really really weird.
I didn't do much today (boring vacation I am) got up, did some apartment stuff muddled around, brought the pet lunch, visited a friend, went to the gym... I must be really motivated because I went to the east side today because only three NYSC were open today because of xmas sooo.. luckily the one I went to isnt far, it was 76th and 1st. I looked like a bit of a freak because I cant really put my hair up because of the new cut so I need to wear it in like these 5 year old pigtails. But I am glad I went because then I went out to dinner with the girls and people who think that girls cannot eat is sorely mistaken but it was great and we had a good time. We ended up making it over to Jake's on Amsdm and I did my usually doodling on everything I see there so if you go there and there is a postit with my signature tree on the wall....

Monday, December 25, 2006

Today was in fact an interesting day. I went this morning to get my hair done which I knew would take half the day but this time things did not go exactly as planned. My initial reaction was that I looked like a skunk because there is a big ole blonde streak in front but in fact my hair is now three different colors. It is dark brown, reddish brown, and blonde all mixed in. You have to see it to know what I am talking about. But the cut all in all is rather good.

What else happened...a good friend of mine totally made my day because he actually took me up on the offer and bought the pet a xmas tree, her reaction was priceless. hehehe

For those of you who care the Heedoosh thing downtown was good and you should all come next time. ....

Thursday, December 21, 2006

So on my first day of vacation what do I do?
Of course I slept late, but then again I could not really fall asleep last night. I did laundry, I did errands, I did some cleaning, you know, fun stuff. I still have more cleaning to do being that I have guests coming over but right now I am sitting around watching an Alias DVD to catch up on the last season. Sad isn't it?
Whoo hoo, Pet bought snow patrol tickets! Though after the last concert I went to with the pet...hahaha I will just have to steal her phone.
Soooo, if anyone is free on Sunday night, the pet and I are going downtown to (Most of you have off on Monday so I don't want to hear anything about it being a school night!):

On Sunday, December 24th Heedoosh will be preforming at the Lion's Den on a night that promises to be a special one for jewish music lovers.
This is their first show in NYC since the summer and the first of 3 big ones they have planned over the next couple of months in the city.

Show will start at 8pm with the doors opening at 730pm.

The lineup looks like this so far.

8pm- Breyshis/Billy Bassman
9pm- haMakor (first time in the US. from Israel)
10pm Yaakov Chesed
11pm Heedoosh

18+ 21 to drink

tickets are $12 in advance at http://www.cegmusic.musictoday.com/LionsDen/calendar.aspx
$18 at the door

Pass along to all. There should be a lot of people in NYC for winter break so keep spreading the word.


Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Happy Chanukah to all If this bloggy ends up a little funny its because my computer is acting a little bit weird when I go online. Not so happy.
Anyways, sorry I have been so quiet lately, not much has been going on. I have been busy at work. It was the last day before vacation today YAY vacation so the kids were BONKERS!Not anything shocking there.
One of my students won a contest so I am going with them to Washington for a few days in January to tour with some other contest winners from alabama and utah and the likes so that should be interesting.
Right now I am watching the movie L'Auberge Espagnole I remember I watched it before and it was interesting. I still like it but I can't figure outwhy.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Hello Friendlies!
I am in an oh-so overtired stage right now. You think any of the mass sleeping I did when I was sick would seep in but the thing is maybe I got too much sleep. I am spending the weekend at my parents so I will hibernate there.

Today at work we had fun, we had fun, we had great squiddy fun... I would insert the song but I don't know how to do that right now.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Still sneezing...but roaming around my apartment cleaning up and stuff. Nothing so eventful. I am trying to figurer out what else to do today.
So first of all I dont know if I should thank or curse the Joyous Martini for getting me addicted to all these online quizzums they are so much fun you get sucked in. I also have to give her some tribute because I was teaching invertebrates this week and will doing the squid next week. I don't think I would have enjoyed Dr.DS's Invertebrate Zoology as much as I did without her and I certainly wouldn't have had a giant squid song to teach them (we had a mealworm song last week!) So thanks my martini!
Anyways, laid low tonight, a good friend brought over some soup and stuff and endured some girly and not so girly tv and was a pretty good sport about it.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

You Were Born Under:

Your most comfortable inside your head - and often daydream the day away.
You have an artistic temperament that makes you seem creative to some, eccentric to others.
You avoid conflict at all costs, and you have a difficult time with relationships.
Attractive and with good manners, you tend to shine in social situations.

You are most compatible with a Pig or Rabbit.

So this is supposed to be me....

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Well, I really have nothing to report because all I did today was stay in bed and sleep. I still feel completely like crap which isn't fun so I don't know if I am up to going to work tomorrow again. I am one of those weird people who gets annoyed not to go to work because I hate leaving things to other people. It is all very annoying.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The pet is the best.
So it seems that I might have the influenza which is not fun because weird things happen to my throat like blisters and stuff and I am not all happiness. Though I am told I am muchly entertaining when I am not in a happy mood.
I also miss my best day of the week in terms of work where we are playing with mealworms. Do you know if you put a mealworm on a piece of paper and follow its trail with a pencil it makes a really cool drawing?

Someone needs to tell pets that oreos aren't dinner and she can bribe me with such things as:

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I has come to my attention that there are people who have been reading this entire blog and have not commented once. Hello people you know who you are! I want feeback.
I forgot to mention that last night when I was working with my trainer, there was another trainer showing some guy around. So I happened to recognize the guy from the UWS and he obviously recognized me because the whole time he was STARING at me. No one should stare at people while they workout. It should be a rule. I am gross when I workout!

So I just took two different Muppet personality tests and on one test I ended up a Gonzo and the other test I ended up a Fozzie so what is this telling me? That I am a weird insecure muppet with an identity crisis? I tell bad jokes?
Here is one: Muppet Test
Here is another: Muppet Test

Yesterday I went to the gym and met with my trainer and ended up walking afterwards to Macy's and back (6 miles). It was cute that there was a Hassid outside Macy's with his three little daughters taking pictures in front of the holiday windows. Have I mentioned yet that I live the smell of the Christmas trees and have to inhale deeply every time I pass people selling them.

I ditched working out today for a meeting and dinner with friends. We went to a place on the East side close to work called Cafe U. It is a dairy place and I would totally recommend it to people because it was really good and the food was really pretty.

We worked with mealworms today in lab which involved a lot of squealing and shreiking on the part of the kids except one girl who was pretending to eat them.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

I only got in a three mile walk today. I should have walked more since I didn't get anything in on Friday and Saturday. My roommates and I had all the best intentions to walk last night but ended up going shopping instead (Go figure, three girls...)

Today I ended up sleeping late and had to do work stuff. Then errands, because what is a sunday without having to do errands...
So Thursday night was busy because I ended up walking to Macy's and back and then going to Fairway and then on a fieldtrip to Supersol...and then I ended up cooking so needless to say I was tired.
Thursday morning I was being bribed with Coke Zeros...
Anyways, the weekend was nice, I got to spend a lot of time with friends. It was fun. Saturday night I went downtown to a party for a friend but we ended up leaving after 20 minutes (shocked we lasted that long) and wondered along. So this is a phone camera pic of M and I waiting happily for the train.

Before that though I had a really fun shopping trip with the roommates....

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Yesterday was pretty much uneventful except for me locking myself out of my apartment, it is a good thing the pet has keys. Last nights trek took me to 34th street and back. So it was roughly 6 miles. I have to say that this years Macy's windows freak me out a bit. I dunno why.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Did I mention that good coffee is a form of happiness in some way. The same for tea. My favorite tea though I can't seem to find in America...I need to look for it. I can't find any good strawberry tea here. I don't know why. So if anyone finds it let me know...ok

So I am virtually void of energy at the moment. It is a combination of me getting essentially two hours of sleep last night despite the fact that I did try to go to sleep early. I just simply could not fall asleep. So instead I played with my graphite and my old conte crayons, and trust me there is a certain satisfaction with sketching with graphite after not having sketched in awhile. Then I played with my watercolors and now Esther has my insomniac rendition of the gerber daisies that are sitting on the kitchen table. So I guess it was a little bit productive.

Anyways tonight after a long day of work, I went to the gym and did an hour of upper body trainer with my trainer so owwwww....
So at this point I have been through every single Howie Day song in multiple on my ipod thinking that it would put me to sleep...but no, hasn't worked yet. I wish I had something to draw because I would do that now....
Maybe I slept too much this weekend and used up all my sleeping hours because I can not sleep at all right now and as a result you get to be subjected to all my rambling thoughts....

My first thought which I am posting here just to get a reaction is that I live with a latent pyromaniac. Hehehe maybe I should call you sparky....

My second thought this early morning is that I need to find a way to stop avoiding confrontation with certain people. I do this because I think it would just be easier when things slide but then they get to some point where they have the potential to blow up in front of me. It really sucks. The truth is I hate hurting peoples feeling and want to make people feel better but in the process of making other people feel better and listening to their problems and such I get sucked in and feel worse myself. I have no idea how this happens but then I don't know what to do with all these annoying yucky feelings I get and sometimes they overflow and I get grouchy at people in general which totally defeats the purpose of me trying to make other people feel better in the first place. The person who was able to follow that flow of Elishelvish logic should probably get a prize because I am not sure I can read that through myself.

My third and not so pressing issue is that the new u218 cd has come out and I see absolutely no point in getting it, except maybe the video version because I already have all the songs except for ONE. The thing is if you want to download it from itunes or something they made that one song ALBUM ONLY so you can not get it on it's own which means people have to get the album or wait for it to come out as a single. I have a feeling that they wont let you get it as a single....annoying music people.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

I ask again like I have asked many times... what about me makes people assume that I am, was, or ever wish to be Lubavitch??? I have great respect for those who are, but I never thought I particularly was... I am once again confused.

I hope that everyone had a nice thanksgiving, I did. The party was fun, had thanksgiving dinner with my family, had a James Bond date with my Dad, and slept and slept and slept. I really needed to catch up on the sleep. Now that I did today I ran some errands and then walked from our apartment to say hi to my Dad on 39th and 3rd and then walked back uptown to 88th and Riverside. :) My muscles might hurt a bit tomorrow but hopefully not so back because I have an appointment with my trainer tomorrow night.
There is not so much else going on... relaxing and watching some sappy tv now. I love sappy tv. :)

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!

Thanks to everyone who showed up last night! It was fun! We ended up giving leftover brownies and stuff away to doormen and parade people.
I didn't end up going to the parade this year. It has been raining all day and Esther was not around to drag me out of bed to go. I did however hear the booming parade announcements of every parade act and such so I did not sleep to late.
I hope everyone has a good weekend and enjoys themselves!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Its a little sad to fold socks when no one is around because then I have no one to project them at. What is the fun of folding the socks if I can't toss them at people? Seriously!

Monday, November 20, 2006

You would think that becoming an adult exempts you from participating in Holiday programs...but no. I got to sing a little, I got to speak a little, I got to turn beet red a little. This week although there is vacation seems like it is going to be very busy. I cleaned up our apartment some tonight.

After school today I went to a pet store with a wonderful kid to buy a new pet for the classroom. What is a science room without a pet? So after we looked at ALL the animals and discussed them in detail we bought a cute little baby leopard gecko. I have to say that the experience and the kids enthusiasm just re-enforced for me why I do what I do.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

It is good that I didn't have many plans today and that I rested up over the weekend because today I was running all over the place doing all that I could so I would not have so much more to do before wednesday.
I walked from my apartment to 40th and madison to the 99 cent store to buy baking pans and such. I then took the subway back to my apartment then walked to 100 and bdwy to get some other stuff. I then walked all over the uws, did laundry (had to do one load twice because a washer wasn't working properly) spent some time with a friend and now am cleaning and baking.
So far I made:
pumpkin choco chip cake
2 big brownie pans
white chip cookies
I hope people are reading the comments because that is really one of the best things about this blog. I have had an interesting weekend thus far. I went to Friday night services with a friend of mine and it was a real different experience because it was not the usual run of the mill services. If you would like me to explain, ask me, I just do not want anyone reading this to take what I say the wrong way therefore I will just leave the details out. I did alot of recharging this weekend. I took it easy tonight. I went to the gym, did some laundry, and hung out with a friend who I have not really gotten to spend real time with in a while. He has been I think everywhere but New York in the past few weeks and it was nice listening to what he had to say about the places he had been. It was a nice relaxed time. Plus I got presents :) I like my friends, they give hugs, the give presents, but most of all they give really great company to just hang out with. Those are the best kinds of people the people you can just sit around and talk with. The ones who you don't have to dress up for, don't have to go somewhere special, you can just be yourself and chill out. Which reminds me. I need a new place just to space out. I used to sit on the edge of the fountain at Lincoln Square but they closed it off to put up a big ole tree for the holiday season. BTW I must mention which I probably should not that I am a sucker for the Christmas decorations. I love seeing the windows and displays and I love the snowflake lights that they put up on Columbus. They started putting up the holiday dinosaur topiaries in front of the AMNH and I can not wait until they are lit up. It really just makes me smile. I seem to be in a good mood tonight. Going to sleep now.
Someone asked me tonight if I was spontaneous. Can I describe myself so? I would like to think so, but those who know me can sometimes predict what I will do.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

I feel like this cartoon is somehow talking about me. It's from Haiku Circus.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Another tiring day at work involving some hysterical and some loony teenagers. Apparently some have a game where you draw a target on the whiteboard and toss the whiteboard markers at it recording the points. It totally destroys the markers. Smart but annoying because none of my markers now work.

Tonight I did more upper body stuff with my trainer and then since I had all this extra caffienated energy I went on a walk and ended up going to 42nd street and back. So I might hurt a little but tomorrow. We shall see. It really was a nice night for a walk. I like when there is a soft rain like that. Its nice to just keep on going listening to music and such. Very relaxing.

This weekend I really need to clean the apartment and figure out what we are getting for the party....

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Someone please explain to me why I am addicted to the show Miami Ink? They are really some amazing artists.
So in the past few hours they have blocked the evite website at work citing "social networking" in the firewall message. I thought that was interesting because many other things are not blocked. Who knows...maybe they go by the amount of hits the website gets in a certain amount of time. Right now I am doing more PTCs but there have not been so many people today because I got the bulk of people on sunday. So that is why I can type away on nonsense right now.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Ok, no more rants at 3am. Ha right, we will see about that. But I am keeping up that post because that is me.
So ZAM Monster, I hope this is enough of a shout out to you.
So jumping back into this whole dating universe is not so much fun for me right now. It has been an interesting week in that regard. I feel the need to share this because I know I am not the only one who feels the same way. I have noticed that two categories of guys come my way the sweet, smart, nerdy types who are great but they are missing that spark of something that makes them unique and crazy (but in a good way) or guys who are just for lack of other words...strange as all hell. I am looking for somewhere in between. I am not finding somewhere in between. It's annoying me at the moment so please forgive me my rant. Some guys are really nice, they just don't go outside their realm. It is a hard thing to explain. I like people who realize that there is alot out there to learn from and experience and I am so used to people just staying in their own bubbles or shells because that is comfortable to them. I like people who try to experience and explore something different. I don't mean all the time. I am a perfectly happy homebody most of the time. I just like the options to be open. I like people with diverse friends because those people really appreciate other people and see others for their uniqueness and not just for whatever group or category that they fit into. I am having issues with this. I really hope that this is making sense to someone else than me! Rant over for now...thank you for listening.
I just took the Star Wars Personality Test that Martini posted on her bloggy and apparently ended up as a "Princess Leia" personality. I am not sure how I feel about that because I am very fond of Yoda. At least I didn't end up a Chewbacca or an Ewok.
Right now I am on the running on fumes phase, I actually just took a 3 hour or so nap. There was alot going on this weekend, most of it really amusing, and most of it really fun. I had marathon Parent-Teacher Conferences all day today and felt like the energizer bunny thanks to my venti triple shot this morning :) Then I went to dinner with a friendly from work and had some fun and then came home and crashed. Funny how now I woke up and am ready to go to sleep again. This is probably why I have such a weird sleeping pattern, because I try to cram all I can do in a 48 hour period of time and just keep going from there..... So far it is all for good things. The parents didn't give me any issues, they all know what I do in class and it seems their children are amused and learning at the same time. So it seems all good for now. I did make at least two friend crack up hysterically this weekend :) so those are really good odds. It is going to be quiet this week with Es going away and NJ on her own schedule so people come visit me :) Do you really want to leave me in my apartment alone, thinking up all sorts of fun plots and plans ?(not to be confused with pots and pans, and no, pet, I am not making you more brownies right now) I think not.....People seem to think I am out to conjure up all sorts of mischevious trouble lately..I can not fathom why :)

Sunday, November 12, 2006

First of all thanks for your feedback my friendlies, it is nice to know some of you (wombats, monsters, pets, aliens, shepardesses alike) actually read my ramblings and find it amusing. Or y'all are really, really, really bored at work.

For those of you who have inquired, Yes we are having the annual Thanksgiving Balloon Party, the evite will be out soon, we haven't forgotten you all. It is a tradition that we think must live on :)

Thursday, November 09, 2006

For the past week or so I have been a little bit edgy like I need to go out and do something. Maybe because I have been busy at work, maybe the best thing for me would be to stay home and rest and lay off the caffiene, I am just itching to do something fun or stay home all day and read books. Weird right?

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I find it pretty funny that people who have known me for years don't know that I am an artist....and that other people who know I am an artist don't know that I am a science person. Weird. But for those who requested, this is just a drawing in pen and ink I did some years ago the original of which is sitting on the bookcase in my brothers apt. because I refuse to give him the pastel pisarro I copyed that is hanging in mine.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

So funny story....I was sitting in the copy room talking to friends of mine and there is a sign that says "Plse do not touch, thank you" that is often taped to the machine when big volumes are being run off. So I left the copy machine and my friend M pointed out the that sign got taped to my butt. So I took it off and of course stuck it on my chest and walked away :)
Now I just made up a post it of it to crack people up. Ironically I feel like wearing it some times because some kids have no concept of personal space.

I think my room was attacked by a herd? of drunken monkies. Ahhh, I do have a drunken monkey story but if anyone wants to hear that one, you have to ask me in person. That and how I figured out how the fire alarms in my lab are so sensitive :)
Why is it that some weeks there is NOTHING going on and I am so bored and then other weeks I have something going on every other night or so????
This week is going to be one of those fun jam-packed weeks, especially this weekend. I have a bunch of stuff going on friday night I am out, saturday night there are parties, there are shows, etc and sunday I get to be at work all day talking to kids parentals. My own parents think I am avoiding them right now. I actually am not, so much, I just have stuff going on.
I missed going to the gym tonight. No one can track me down there.

Monday, November 06, 2006

The wedding yesterday was really really nice, I had a great time and I am glad I went. It really wasn't the usual run in the mill Jewish wedding. There was also two u2 references, they danced their first dance to "All I want is you" it was cute. Anyways, I didn't win the trip to Honolulu so y'all are stuck with me some more. :) The ride there was great due to the person who gave me a ride (yay P) and it was funny because some guy there asked me if it was the first Jewish wedding I have been to and I got to hang out with the monsters (I miss my monsters).
What was cute was the couple had people or wrote blurbs about everone at the wedding and put it into a booklet So this is what they wrote about me: E and R met on the UWS of NYC. While she spends her day shaping the young minds of children, E also loves baking, reading and scaring others. In addition she considers herself a fellow monster (ask her and S). When looking to have fun, E can always be asked to join in.

I had a training session tonight at the gym so needless to say I am a bit tired. I am trying to plan when I am going to get to the gym this week :) While I was making dinner tonight I couldn't stop remembering for some reason when NJ's cauliflower burst out into flames in the microwave. It was just funniness.
I am also trying to figure out the Annual Thanksgiving Balloon Party....
Until next time my flowers....

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Anyone notice how you don't get a good nap when shabbos is so short? Went to the gym tonight. Was supposed to go to a movie but it was sold out. Tomorrow I will be going to a wedding in Hartford Ct. I am wondering why I am going because it's a really long ride and don't think I am all that close to the couple.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Something really annoying today. I went to the gym for a training session (apparently all my strengh is mostly in my legs..haha) and my trainer told me that my gym is closing in the middle of November until February for renovation and they just let them know today. She asked what other club I would want to train with her, which was nice but it really really really sucks! I joined the gym a little less than 3 weeks ago and I liked this place because it was quiet and people don't really bother you there so you can go on the elliptical and stuff for however time you want. But now I can't go there, so they said that all membership is upgraded so you can go whereever you want, but I had the upgraded membership so I get nothing except pay about $20 more for an upgrade everyone else is getting anyway. I also now have to find a new gym branch that is close that I like....bummer. I am soooo complaining to corporate. It will do nothing but probably make me feel a smidgeon better.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I think we are going to this, I see them whenever they are around 'cause I like their music....It should be fun.
I just wanted to know if anyone else recognizes the sheer multitude of really creepy people out there? Is it just me or do you meet or see someone who creeps you out every single day. Maybe it is just living in NYC? Who knows?

The other thing is there is something really funny happening every day. Little small things.

Some kids actually left me an apple on my desk today. Where did that come from? Is it assumed that teachers like apples? I never understood that. It is somewhere written in some teacher guidebook?

Sunday, October 29, 2006

OMG so when I was walking to the gym tonight I saw the most huge rodent I have ever seen running around NYC in my life. It zipped right by me and I think it was like the size of two of my fists put together!!!! It was crazy!!! Ok that is my NYC rodent story for today.

So my roommates and I are addicted to the Food Network challenges, especially the cake and sugar ones. They are so cool. It's serious edible art. Sometimes I am in awe. This is NJs favorite: Mike's Amazing Cakes but this is my favorite Charm City Cakes. There are more but you get the idea. That and I like Duff Goldman, and George Duran (Ham on the Street) OK make fun, but it's still cool.

It was a very uneventful day:
I worked this morning because Cristina was doing the race (see below). Then I did some schoolwork, then I did a whole lotta laundry, and then some more schoolwork. I walked through the park a few times and went to the gym. The gym was really good, I was on the elliptical for more than an hour. It is always good to work out to music and a tv show you are into, then it goes by so much quicker. So I almost am making up for the day I missed last week, but not quite. The day I have to miss this week is tomorrow, because I have my cousin's shevah brachot tomorrow night but my brother has an elliptical at home so depending how I feel after the shevah brachot I don't think it will be a problem.
So I just wrote this whole blog entry that got erased by the evil computer and I really don't feel like at the moment redoing all those thoughts at this moment, so you are going to have to bear with me.

So I missed going to the gym on both Thursday and Friday. Thursday because I was at work early and because I had wedding, etc at night. Friday because I was out of my mind tired (I apologize to all who where there friday night, but Y doesn't read this anyways, and everyone else is used to me.) So I went last night for a little over an hour (I hate that the trainers know my name already) and will go today to make up the time I missed. Hopefully I will get to do as much laundry as I can also today.

I want to send a cheer for my friends Cristina and Kivs who are freezing their butts off to do the Poland Spring race today. How did I end up with so many running friends?

Friday, October 27, 2006

One cousin got married today, another one got engaged. Goodnight

Thursday, October 26, 2006

gym, gym, gym, but didn't push tonight beccause them muscles are still killing me from last night. Also someone had the nerve to kick me off the elliptical, and I got the good one tonight.
Wow, I am turning into a boring one. Truth is, wednesdays are hard, long days for me.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I just came back from the gym from my first session with my new training and I think I am going to keel over and die. I can very tired-hurty and numb right now. Not a pleasent feeling at all. I feel like I can not lift my arms. But this has been the 6th time at the gym since I joined this one on monday, so that has to count for something right.

I think I was mean to my kids today. I told them that if they don't stop talking then they will give me a headache and if they give me a headache I won't be able to do my work and grade their quizes and if I don't grade them, they will not get them back is that mean?

Oh I have another rodent question. When I was meandering home from the gym I saw a sign on a building that read "rodent station here" with an arrow pointing down. What the heck does that mean?

Monday, October 23, 2006

Went to the gym to work off some excess caffiene. Right now my body is still going but my mind is totally asleep. It's like blank and static-y so no thoughts for today, just was a long day and had to trudge through. Love to all.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

My Martini just put some funny stuff on her bloggy because she knows I love U2. I think it is called postcards from the Edge.

I don't know why the link is not posting but I have Martini's link on the side under "friendlies"

This was a really busy weekend. I went to brooklyn for shabbat where I think I lost some brain cells because I lacked any conversation that was actually interesting or intelligent. That may be a little bit harsh. I just think it is because I felt boldly out of place. I was at a party saturday night in the city, then out with friends. Went to BB&B this morning which went pretty smoothly considered that that store is out to get me. Got shot at with a registry gun though....my friends bridal registry was 20 pages long! Craziness. Went to a bridal shower...how fun are those???? NOT! If I am not sappingly happy, no one else has the right to be! JOKE Went shopping with the pet and convinced her to buy color and convinced myself that I really needed a chocolate brown purse. Here is where YH calls me a spoiled American. :) There was a great art deco secretary desk with its bakelite handles still intact, but I already have a desk and I have no room for more furniture, no matter how cool and me it is :( It was cool, I wonder if it will still be there next week. I love flea markets. Then I went to the gym and it was really good. So yay me, I have been to the gym 5 times since I joined on Monday. I think that is pretty good. I hope to make it 6 times a week. I know I will not have time already on thursday because I am going to a wedding but we will see what I can fit in. Maybe Saturday night? Oh and I have to add a picture of NJ just because she is NJ :)

Thursday, October 19, 2006

I have to say from coming back from the gym that I feel like I was on hiatus and I hate you kivs (and love you at the same time) for reminding me what an addiction running is and what a good feeling it give you afterwards because tonight I just wanted to run again like I was last october, but alas, I can't I have to work for it again. So yeah, wish me luck friends, because I am back at it. :)

One of my former students just sent me this and it's really cute:

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Apparently mice are not the only ones who get stuck in glue traps, shev's do too. At least my shoelaces do. Go figure... Oddly this is the second time a rodent has appeared in my blog...NJ, just saw me writing this and said, "I hope this is because you got stuck in the gluetrap, not because you saw one". Hmmm, maybe that is where the mystery bite came from. :) Worked out again today, it is really funny to watch people while their are taking classes there. It's a nice gym because it empty and so far when I have been there there has been no wait for anything, it's very nice. I have no excuse to go because I paid a hell of alot of money for it so I have to and it also is really just two blocks away.

I forgot to mention that out super fixed our bathroom and now our shower is the best shower, especially with the new showerhead. I think this is the first time in awhile everything has drained, unsloshed, etc. in our bathroom. I am not sure everyone realizes how significant that is.

A line from a movie I love (NJ stop laughing), "Why are you trying so hard to fit in, when you are born to stand out?"
Last night while I was at the gym our apartment pet ordered me dinner while I was at the gym. Just an explaination our pet is actually my bestest B but she is like a pet in the way that she burrows into our couch, eats everything, demands to be watered, and wrecks havoc with the remote control, snarling at us if we dare touch it. Anyways, when I came home, the first thing she said to me was "oh I accidentally took a bite out of your dinner" and yes, I took out my dinner and there was a bite mark in it. Does this surprise us at all? Nope.

So I was walking through CP today to get to work and I have complained about the dogs, well today a really large dog slammed into me and stepped on my foot. Does the owner stop and apologize? Not at all. I couldn't even figure out who the owner was. Are they not supposed to watch their dogs????

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

So internet was down last night which caused a bit o havoc because I ran around looking for some place that I could download. So went to starbucks, Barnes and Noble, Kinkos, and finally ended up at my cousins where the download took forever. It was all very annoying (Happy Y?)
So I ended up going to bed like 3:30 in the morning only to wake up early on my "late day" because I was assigned another teacher's class. When I got to school one of the secretaries told me "Oh yeah, your coverage was cancelled" and I kinda yelled at her for not calling me before I came to school because I was about an hour early for my class. Once again annoying....

My day was pretty good, we did some great labs, taught an art class.
For lab we were using Protists which are live single-celled organisms which I had to order specifically for today so they would not die. So I told the security guard R to look out for a package for me. He keeps on making fun of me for A. the fire alarm incident and B. He once was checking bags and I came in with a bag of crickets to feed a gecko we had. So I said, no, I ordered a crate of monkeys to keep you company in the lobby. So R said, that is ok, because I have kippot for all of them :) It was cute. Then I went to the office to recount the story to C because its fun and she if not more is as crazy and caffienated as I am and also see humor in otherwise mundane situations. C's replay was that the monkeys where specially packed as to let them breathe but get maximum monkeys in the crate because of course "You want a lot of monkeys for your money" I found that line completely hysterical. Hence the picture.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

"Part of the Queue" by Oasis has joined my list of favorite songs. I have been listening to it for a while but now I really like it.
Strangly also Limp Bizkit's "Build a Bridge"

The best is when I play music in lab in school and it's really cute when the kids start singing along to the most random song. It cracks me up that I can discuss bands and music with them. I guess it is a good thing.
So we survived another major holiday on the UWS. I have to say it is not the worst it has been because I got to spend alot of quality time with alot of good friends and laugh along with them. There are several feelings that this weekend did evoke though. One of those thoughts I had which might be a little bit depressing but true is whenever I am in a situation like this weekend where there are hundreds of people around all checking out each other, I always think well what distinguishs me from them that makes me at allm diffrent and possibly more appealing than the hundreds of other people there. How sad is that?
Another thought is even though it was not so bad is that I really don't want to have to do this again this year. I am tired, a little bit nauseated (no I was not trying to poison anyone contrary to popular belief) and really a bit talked out. After two days of small talk with people I only see once in a while or have just met it is hard to verbally string together coherant sentences.
The plus side is there were several interesting people who had very interesting viewpoints and thought and more importantly can make me laugh, so thank you to those who actually cracked me up this time. You know who you are. It is nice to meet people who have not shed their intellectual individualism to blend into the flock. I appreciate those people because I think I am a bit of a black sheep, or more of a technicolor sheep myself and on that note. BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

Friday, October 13, 2006

They turned the heat on in our apartment today. (So it is beyond hot in my room) The thing about living in a hundred year old building is when they turn on the heat the pipes make the most horrific banging and clanking noises that you feel like someone if breaking in or the walls are going to come down.
In my old dorm room in college it was so bad that paint chips and dust would fall from my ceiling every time they put the heat on.

I hear the main point of this blog seems to be to entertain NJ and keep me from going bored. I am glad I can be of some service to someone out there.

The apple muffins are sticking to the pan I guess some people will just get muffin tops. Oh well :)
Contrary to popular belief it is not fun to pick on the Shev.

It is way muc more fun to pick on my friends instead, especially the roommates. I mean they knew me for a while before moving in with me so they knew what they were getting into. Especially ES. It is a good thing I sometimes feed them or who knows what might happen.

I actually burned a tray of cookies today which I have not done in awhile. I am actually pretty good with these things (so domesticated is the monster). I guess I didnt realize how hot the oven was.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

I just read that U2 by U2 has made the nonfiction bestseller list which is a little funny. It's pretty cool that I was there for that booksigning, but the experience did affirm (and reassure me) that there are many many many people out there crazier than I am. All I did was take the subway down there, but people actually spent hundreds of dollars to fly there on a days notice to meet U2 and get their books signed not to mention all of those people who slept on the sidewalk all night. I do have to reaffirm that the Edge is really the ccoolest, nicest member of the band.

Apparently when I am tired I get a little loopy and I am soooo tired right now, I might get downright normal.

So the quotes of the day today:

Girl saying to me, " Ms.W I can't sit next to him he has rabies, he is going to bite me." Boy turns around and snarls at Girl.

"So Amoebas are like Pokemon that they change shape?"

BTW side point - some people have absolutely no sense of personal space AT ALL. Especially children, do you know how many times I am HUGGED a day? Does anyone have any idea? By childre, by adults, etc.

So you know how people say there is a difference between big city people and other people. Well I think there is also a difference between city dogs and their owners than suburban dogs and their owner. If you have ever walked in central park in the morning you know EXACTLY what I am talking about. These people in the park just let their dogs run all over the place regardless that there are other people there and that it is a public park. They run over you, they cut you off, they lick you, they drool on you, they try to chew your skirt or your bag... all while their owners are either talking to each other or smiling goofily like an indulgent pampering parent.
Which brings me onto another thing, I had a neighbor who had a little doggie who always tried to get into our apartment and she once sent me an invitation for a huge elaborate birthday party for it..
The other thing is the owners who let their dogs pee wherever they feel like like all over the sidewalk. Like in front of stores on the flowers that are being sold in front of there with no regard to other people or others people's property.
The funny thing is I like animals alot, it is just the nerve of their owners that annoys me so much.
I have a bit of a mystery, I seem to inherit alot of my friends friends or my friends exes. While I really do like alot of them and some are close friends now it leaves me to wonder what about me makes them share and think I want to listen. I always do listen, I can not help it, but I do have to wonder. Why me?
Especially when friends breakup I tend to end up the one who listens to "both sides of the story" or turn into some advice/relationship counselor. This has happened so many numerous times that I probably lost count. Then there are the friends past relationships that end up calling me bemoaning the breakup and professing their continued love and feelings for whoever they broke up with. I love my friends, but sometimes I think I should start charging a fee.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I must at this time give credit to NJs inspiring (and slightly southern) renditions of Wonderwall and C. Supernova. :) Subtle aren't I?

Anywho, I think my roommates have gotten used to my addiction to Bollywood movies. Watching them is like watching 5 different movie genres in one. Some are better than others and some I just watch for pure amusement. It all started with Monsoon Wedding being one of my favorite movies. I really enjoy foreign film, though many French films leave me unsettled. Back to Bollywood, the one question is why when they break into song and dance does the scenery often switch to some marina/ beach scene, a pastoral scene somewhere in switzerland, or what seems to be an enchanted forest. Some of the singing and dancing is just so out of context you need to crack up.

I think my problem is that I often amuse myself inside my head and then when I try to explain why I am cracking up, its a bit hard to describe.

Another newish addiction is music, i have had the U2 fanism (Did I mention I met them recently? ) for awhile but ever since I got my ipod my music collection has been increasing and I can't seem to put my ipod down. I also noticed my musical tastes have been getting more alternative....hmmmmmmm My brother's friend has a band that I went to see a bunch of times called Heedoosh, and I have their cd, which I listen to which is a little weird because it is hard for me to find Jewish music that I remotely enjoy. The only thing is it seems that they aren't putting on any more shows.
So this is an email conversation I just had with someone:
A: I'll keep you posted but for now I need to find a friday night meal I'm having a hard time pinning that one down
E:Us too I am wondering why...I think we might eat amongst ourselves, not sure yet
A:I think the reason why Friday night is so hard is because many ppl aren't really arranging meals for Simchas night and day, and Shabbos day is easier because you can relax after the long week and then hang out for the day > till Hakafos. If you are making Friday night meal, even among yourselves, and would like to be "graced" then please let me know. LOL.
E:Did you just invite yourself over?
A:Is that what I did? I couldn't tell...LOL.
All kidding aside, if you are making a Friday night meal, then I invited
myself over. If not, then we never had this conversation.
What conversation?
E:your audacity might have to make it into the blog I just started
A:I give you full rights to add it to your Blog. No copyright necessary. None. At all.
I was trying to show a video from online about Fungi when news kept popping up about the plane crash and my kids started freaking out, and one burst into tears..... that was some of my fun for today. But I got to order slime mold.....

Anyways, in response to Kiv's comment about the dead terrapin, my room is currently a twerp, sorry terp free zone, (and NO MORE ELMO whoo hoo) I think my psycho killer bunny rabbit puppet ate the last one or maybe that was ES's "missing sheep".

Apparently my roommates do not share my odd humor of hiding squeaky rat-like toys around the apartment. It is usually between me and ES but NJ threatened to kill me because ES hid it last time under the couch pillow and NJ sat on it and got freaked out and FALSELY ACCUSED ME of hiding it there. I never hide it in a public place, only among ES's stuff. NJ beware who knows where the next Rodent Rights Rally might be.

I also must mention that I am still in a slight snit that I am missing the Fray concert on 10/25 because of a wedding I don't really want to go to. I have had the tickets since July. I guess it would be worse if it was a U2 concert.

Oh another snit. I bought low fat cheese last night which is supposed to be cheese slices and then when I opened it I tried to take out a slice and it crumbled into a powderlike consistency. EW.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Yet another thing about BB&B

So when I walked into my room today it smelled moldy...like really moldy and I was wondering what the heck was going on and I made NJ come into my room to smell it just to make sure I wasn't crazy(er) and she thought it smelled also. I was trying to figure it out and then isolated the area and what was making it smell the BAGS from BB& B reeked! That is not normal!

OK second thing tonight, I have no problem baking for holidays etc. But making specific requests of stuff I make is a blatant abuse of power- yet I comply anyways, silly me, so pumpkin chocolate chip cake here we come.
So there was a point to my bed bath and beyond trip yesterday but I got sidetracked.

Our showerhead has been leaking for some time, more like sputtering all over the place and I figured since the bathroom was clean I should get another one, so I did ....do you have any idea how much showerheads cost these days?
So I went to install it and turned on the water and it was like a waterfall in the shower, well maybe not so much waterfall but something like when you shake up a bottle of soda and then open it and of course I got all wet. That was the same point where my roommate came in and was wondering why I was soaking wet and proceeded to try to work the showerheads and once again waterworks.
So my question is, how exactly do we explain to the super what the problem is exactly? Our shower spits at us when we try to fix it? I have no idea.
I just realized that U2 does not come up as favorite music in my profile and was wondering if it would come up on the blog. Trust me to notice that.
After many years of people trying to convince me that I need a blog...here we go. But I issue a warning, it might not be all that interesting but as it is late night and all...who knows.

Today was my day off and what did I do? CLEAN... for those of you who don't know I tend to be organizationally impaired. I do however hate when things are dirty. So my day consisted mostly of caffiene (nothing new), laundry, and scrubbing.

I have to say that it took me over two hours to scrub the bathroom to satisfaction. 2 hours!!! And an entire can of scrubbing bubbles (which is pretty cool because it foams) not to mention countless other cleaning items. Once I get started though I feel compelled to scrub and clean other things (its an epidemic). So as long as a bought a mop I figured I might as well mop everything else.

What I want to know is ,why in every place I have lived in this city, does a layer of black dust/dirt appear weekly on everything? I thought it was just one dorm room I lived in but Nooo, is it me? Do I have a black dustcloud of doom following me around? No matter how much I dust, swiff, scrub, the black icky film reappears! That and I lost a few socks again in the laundry. I did however meet someone new in the laundry room. I think people just start talking to me out of nowhere.

The problem with cleaning is that everytime I do so I get reminded that I need to buy some household item or another. Which usually means a trip to bed bath and beyond where something goes strangely everytime I go there. It can be mundane strange annoying things like forgetting half of what I wanted to get in the first place or the cashier taking a half hour (I timed 27.5 minutes to be exact) to box a gift. Last time I was thereI turned my back to look at some bookshelf and when I turned around again my cart was gone. A full cart. I asked the sales associate and she said anothere customer must have walked off with it. Who would not realize that an entire cart of household stuff if not theirs? I am not understanding this.