Sunday, October 29, 2006

OMG so when I was walking to the gym tonight I saw the most huge rodent I have ever seen running around NYC in my life. It zipped right by me and I think it was like the size of two of my fists put together!!!! It was crazy!!! Ok that is my NYC rodent story for today.

So my roommates and I are addicted to the Food Network challenges, especially the cake and sugar ones. They are so cool. It's serious edible art. Sometimes I am in awe. This is NJs favorite: Mike's Amazing Cakes but this is my favorite Charm City Cakes. There are more but you get the idea. That and I like Duff Goldman, and George Duran (Ham on the Street) OK make fun, but it's still cool.

It was a very uneventful day:
I worked this morning because Cristina was doing the race (see below). Then I did some schoolwork, then I did a whole lotta laundry, and then some more schoolwork. I walked through the park a few times and went to the gym. The gym was really good, I was on the elliptical for more than an hour. It is always good to work out to music and a tv show you are into, then it goes by so much quicker. So I almost am making up for the day I missed last week, but not quite. The day I have to miss this week is tomorrow, because I have my cousin's shevah brachot tomorrow night but my brother has an elliptical at home so depending how I feel after the shevah brachot I don't think it will be a problem.


Anonymous said...

When I was still at Stern I once was awalking up LEx and a rat about the length of my forearm scuttled out of a building and right over my feet as I was walking. That wasn't cool. I hope no creepy crawlies use you as a springboard today.

Anonymous said...

OMG Marti, I'm going to have nightmares!!!

Anonymous said...

Clearly you did not look closely at the Arno and see the GIGANTOUR rats that live in the river.