Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Yesterday was pretty much uneventful except for me locking myself out of my apartment, it is a good thing the pet has keys. Last nights trek took me to 34th street and back. So it was roughly 6 miles. I have to say that this years Macy's windows freak me out a bit. I dunno why.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Did I mention that good coffee is a form of happiness in some way. The same for tea. My favorite tea though I can't seem to find in America...I need to look for it. I can't find any good strawberry tea here. I don't know why. So if anyone finds it let me know...ok

So I am virtually void of energy at the moment. It is a combination of me getting essentially two hours of sleep last night despite the fact that I did try to go to sleep early. I just simply could not fall asleep. So instead I played with my graphite and my old conte crayons, and trust me there is a certain satisfaction with sketching with graphite after not having sketched in awhile. Then I played with my watercolors and now Esther has my insomniac rendition of the gerber daisies that are sitting on the kitchen table. So I guess it was a little bit productive.

Anyways tonight after a long day of work, I went to the gym and did an hour of upper body trainer with my trainer so owwwww....
So at this point I have been through every single Howie Day song in multiple on my ipod thinking that it would put me to sleep...but no, hasn't worked yet. I wish I had something to draw because I would do that now....
Maybe I slept too much this weekend and used up all my sleeping hours because I can not sleep at all right now and as a result you get to be subjected to all my rambling thoughts....

My first thought which I am posting here just to get a reaction is that I live with a latent pyromaniac. Hehehe maybe I should call you sparky....

My second thought this early morning is that I need to find a way to stop avoiding confrontation with certain people. I do this because I think it would just be easier when things slide but then they get to some point where they have the potential to blow up in front of me. It really sucks. The truth is I hate hurting peoples feeling and want to make people feel better but in the process of making other people feel better and listening to their problems and such I get sucked in and feel worse myself. I have no idea how this happens but then I don't know what to do with all these annoying yucky feelings I get and sometimes they overflow and I get grouchy at people in general which totally defeats the purpose of me trying to make other people feel better in the first place. The person who was able to follow that flow of Elishelvish logic should probably get a prize because I am not sure I can read that through myself.

My third and not so pressing issue is that the new u218 cd has come out and I see absolutely no point in getting it, except maybe the video version because I already have all the songs except for ONE. The thing is if you want to download it from itunes or something they made that one song ALBUM ONLY so you can not get it on it's own which means people have to get the album or wait for it to come out as a single. I have a feeling that they wont let you get it as a single....annoying music people.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

I ask again like I have asked many times... what about me makes people assume that I am, was, or ever wish to be Lubavitch??? I have great respect for those who are, but I never thought I particularly was... I am once again confused.

I hope that everyone had a nice thanksgiving, I did. The party was fun, had thanksgiving dinner with my family, had a James Bond date with my Dad, and slept and slept and slept. I really needed to catch up on the sleep. Now that I did today I ran some errands and then walked from our apartment to say hi to my Dad on 39th and 3rd and then walked back uptown to 88th and Riverside. :) My muscles might hurt a bit tomorrow but hopefully not so back because I have an appointment with my trainer tomorrow night.
There is not so much else going on... relaxing and watching some sappy tv now. I love sappy tv. :)