Friday, February 23, 2007

My email has not been working today!!!!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

It hurts to stub your toe, it hurts even more to stub your toe in the shower.
My landlord called me today to check on the status of my apartment. Why would anything be wrong? So the ceiling is turning a little bit yellow, so it occasionally smells like gas when we cook because the stove is hard to open so we practically have to yank it out of the he sent someone right down...
See my brain is balanced...
Your Brain is Green

Of all the brain types, yours has the most balance.
You are able to see all sides to most problems and are a good problem solver.
You need time to work out your thoughts, but you don't get stuck in bad thinking patterns.

You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about the future, philosophy, and relationships (both personal and intellectual).

This weather is a little crazy but it was the first time this morning that I got to walk to work in a very long time. It was a little icy but it was nice and really not that cold. It actually relaxs me before work to walk through the park instead of going on the crowded cross town bus... This is a not so clear picture of Belvedere Castle this morning.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I left work today thinking, wow that was tiring, (well I have a whole lot of classes on wednesdays) but I had alot of fun. How rare is that? I actually enjoy what I do..So I have been wondering why the heck it is accepted as normal that the remaining snow in the city is black? Am I the only one completely freaked out by this? Snow is supposed to be white..not gray, not yellow, and certainly not black!
I was on the 79th Street Crosstown bus around 7:30 this morning and the guy across from me in a very nice business suit etc. was eating chicken with his hands on the bus. I found this a little weird.....

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Now that the heat is finally working it is working in that dry slowly dying of thirst sort of way so I put a pan of water to evaporate and I just don't think it is working. Furthermore, my ceiling is blistering even more now which leads me to believe that it is not in fact the plaster drying but the radiator from the apartment above us is still leaking into my ceiling. This worries me a little bit....
I have to say I don't know why I continue to be friends with people who just make me feel stupid. It happened twice this weekend really with two different people. I do not think I am really the type to completely let people walk all over me, I mean clearly I voice my opinions but right now I kind of feel like that. I try to be nice to people and help them out. I try to be a good friend. I try to be loyal and I consider myself a loyal friend but there are some times when it just gets to me and I wonder why can't I be one of those people who doesn't let anything get to them.

Honestly, I am getting sick of being nice. I am getting sick of being labeled the good one and the responsible one when we go out. What good does it do me when people discuss that I am "good people" As far as I remember the good people always finish last.
My plot to sleep late is not working! I have gotten up before 10 every day of my vacation. What is up with that? This morning the pet called me at 7am thinking with the time change that it was 7PM and then felt bad and hung up on me even though I answered the phone and wanted to talk to her. Silly Pet. I wonder what is going to happen when she moves to London because we are both really bad at this time change thing and I really missed not being able to talk to her this weekend!
I just linked my friend Suzanne's Blog to mine. She is awesome and hilarious. She put on some comedy she did so you should check it out!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Happy 101st post!
I can't believe I had that many things to say...

I just posted a new is the website of this guy who makes sculpture out of antique flatware. It's pretty cool. He is very often found in front of the Met selling his stuff and it's interesting to watch him make the things he does.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Last night I ended up going to the movie Breach with a friend of mine about the FBI agent turned traitor. It was interesting. It was a little slow but I would recommend the movie.

Today I went to a wedding in NJ it took about 2 hours to get there. The wedding started at 2 and we left around 8 and got home by 930. So basically it was a whole day thing. It was really nice. They arranged a van for us from the west side and then the van driver took us to the wrong wedding hall. We went inside and the people were like uh the wedding is a 5. Luckily the real wedding hall was about 5 minutes away. It was a little stupid though. But everything worked out for the best.