Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Last night while I was at the gym our apartment pet ordered me dinner while I was at the gym. Just an explaination our pet is actually my bestest B but she is like a pet in the way that she burrows into our couch, eats everything, demands to be watered, and wrecks havoc with the remote control, snarling at us if we dare touch it. Anyways, when I came home, the first thing she said to me was "oh I accidentally took a bite out of your dinner" and yes, I took out my dinner and there was a bite mark in it. Does this surprise us at all? Nope.

So I was walking through CP today to get to work and I have complained about the dogs, well today a really large dog slammed into me and stepped on my foot. Does the owner stop and apologize? Not at all. I couldn't even figure out who the owner was. Are they not supposed to watch their dogs????


Anonymous said...

It could have been worse. He could've pooped on your foot.

Anonymous said...

But I am such a cute pet! makes all the other pets go mooooooooo!

Eli7tw said...

I thought in your case it makes all the other pets go AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!

kivster said...

watch out - your apt pet may have rabies.