Sunday, October 15, 2006

So we survived another major holiday on the UWS. I have to say it is not the worst it has been because I got to spend alot of quality time with alot of good friends and laugh along with them. There are several feelings that this weekend did evoke though. One of those thoughts I had which might be a little bit depressing but true is whenever I am in a situation like this weekend where there are hundreds of people around all checking out each other, I always think well what distinguishs me from them that makes me at allm diffrent and possibly more appealing than the hundreds of other people there. How sad is that?
Another thought is even though it was not so bad is that I really don't want to have to do this again this year. I am tired, a little bit nauseated (no I was not trying to poison anyone contrary to popular belief) and really a bit talked out. After two days of small talk with people I only see once in a while or have just met it is hard to verbally string together coherant sentences.
The plus side is there were several interesting people who had very interesting viewpoints and thought and more importantly can make me laugh, so thank you to those who actually cracked me up this time. You know who you are. It is nice to meet people who have not shed their intellectual individualism to blend into the flock. I appreciate those people because I think I am a bit of a black sheep, or more of a technicolor sheep myself and on that note. BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH


Anonymous said...

...and no mention of the poop???

Anonymous said...

Shelv... the proofreader in me has to do this. "A lot." Two words. It's a common error, but one I feel is my duty to pass on to you as a person who might pass it on to the youth. You might allot some time to cook because you like cooking a lot.

Anyway, I know what you mean. I knew a ton of people at shul for Simchat Torah, but the people I would normally hang out with weren't around and so it felt a little lonley and outseider-like despite being in the middle of a crowd. It was also kinda lame in Stamford this year with only around a third of the normal amount of people at our shul. Maybe next year we'll join the other shul and see what it's like. I digress. When we were in Stern I found that I always felt most lonely after going out on a Thursday night with a large group of people. There were a couple of occasions where that wasn't the case, but it happened more often than not. Certain people just live a different way than others and perceive the world and the various interpersonal relationships around then in a manner that leaves something to be desired. More interesting and complex individuals are more likely, in my opinion, to require more interesting and complex interactions than what the rest of the world seems to feel is an ok time.

But anyway. Wanna come to Stamford for a shabbos? :D

Eli7tw said...

We need to figure out a Stamfordian weekend :) I miss my Stamfordians.

And NJ, some things we don't need to share.

kivster said...

poopie doopie! why not share it? what would life be like without poopie?

Anonymous said...

If you are a technicolor sheep, will you dissect yourself?