Sunday, November 19, 2006

I hope people are reading the comments because that is really one of the best things about this blog. I have had an interesting weekend thus far. I went to Friday night services with a friend of mine and it was a real different experience because it was not the usual run of the mill services. If you would like me to explain, ask me, I just do not want anyone reading this to take what I say the wrong way therefore I will just leave the details out. I did alot of recharging this weekend. I took it easy tonight. I went to the gym, did some laundry, and hung out with a friend who I have not really gotten to spend real time with in a while. He has been I think everywhere but New York in the past few weeks and it was nice listening to what he had to say about the places he had been. It was a nice relaxed time. Plus I got presents :) I like my friends, they give hugs, the give presents, but most of all they give really great company to just hang out with. Those are the best kinds of people the people you can just sit around and talk with. The ones who you don't have to dress up for, don't have to go somewhere special, you can just be yourself and chill out. Which reminds me. I need a new place just to space out. I used to sit on the edge of the fountain at Lincoln Square but they closed it off to put up a big ole tree for the holiday season. BTW I must mention which I probably should not that I am a sucker for the Christmas decorations. I love seeing the windows and displays and I love the snowflake lights that they put up on Columbus. They started putting up the holiday dinosaur topiaries in front of the AMNH and I can not wait until they are lit up. It really just makes me smile. I seem to be in a good mood tonight. Going to sleep now.

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