Monday, November 13, 2006

I just took the Star Wars Personality Test that Martini posted on her bloggy and apparently ended up as a "Princess Leia" personality. I am not sure how I feel about that because I am very fond of Yoda. At least I didn't end up a Chewbacca or an Ewok.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder, darling, what kind of spoon you might be. And seriously, being Leia is pretty cool. Did you see the other quizzes posted? You know what those are? Those are my pathetic attempt to make the time pass when all I want to do is go home and do something significant with my day. Yeesh.

In other news, I might be needing your help next week. I'll have to call you about it. I'm going to do something decidedly un-Marti-like and need a home base. *hugs* also, totally psyched for balloon party. Wheeeeeeee!