Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I know I have not posted in a few days and for that there are several reasons:

1)Nothing new to report - I am sure I can make up some stuff though just for your amusement.
2)We need to thank my friend DB for fixing my computer and making it better instead of tossing it out the window like I know he wanted to. He is a hero for now :)

So I got a 6:30 call this morning that despite the snow and non-clear roads that I do have work this morning. Whoo hoo!

So what is going on here....

Sunday I spent the weekend with the Pet, on Sunday we went from store to store to store for her to try to find dinner and flatware that she likes. I found something I like but that doesn't really help. She bought me a nice grill pan as a consolation prize.

There is another Heedoosh concert coming up... this time it is a big one at the knitting factory and I recommend buying tickets in advance....They are on itunes now which I find amusing.

I think we are going... I realize that my birthday ends up on a friday that week so I am sure we will make some other plans also.

Last night my trainer called me to tell me that she got promoted but it is bad news for me because they are transferring her to some gym in Park Slope to manage buuuut thats bad for me because she can't come to the city to train now. So she is going to find me another trainer to kick my butt, but I liked her, she was good and I got used to her and everything. So wish me luck!

Need to go get some coffee, to be continued....


Anonymous said...

Yaaaaaaay new post! And I LUFF that penguin! I wanna squish him like I do to Elephante on Friday nights.

Anonymous said...

grill pans make nice weapons