Thursday, May 24, 2007

Yet another reason to love thine roommate:
Naomi wrote
at 9:06am on May 22nd, 2007
No no, no questioning the deliciousness.
And I keep meaning to hammer those damn nails into the floor, but I never remember, except after midnight.

Elizabeth wrote
at 11:23pm on May 21st, 2007
Never question the ingredients

Naomi wrote
at 10:42pm on May 21st, 2007
What the hell is IN these cookies? You are craaaaazy!
(But a damn fine baker.)

Elizabeth wrote
at 10:31pm on May 21st, 2007
Kinda like our own UWS stigmata

Elizabeth wrote
at 10:31pm on May 21st, 2007
you're right, I ate the keebler elves, that's why I am barefoot, elves are salty, all that water retention makes my shoes tight, that and I would rather stab myself in the feet with the nails jutting out of our floor and bleed profusely than ruin another perfectly good pair of socks.

Naomi wrote
at 10:23pm on May 21st, 2007
Keeble keeble keeble

Elizabeth wrote
at 7:33pm on May 9th, 2007
OHHHHHHHHHH thats what those marks were from...

Naomi wrote
at 1:02pm on May 9th, 2007
To be fair, the topiary had a spoon to use as a weapon...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now I have to question the ingredients. What's in those cookies? (And can I have one?) :-D