Thursday, January 04, 2007

So I know I have not posted in a long time...I don't really have an excuse because I was on vacation except for my computer acting a little bit wonky at the moment that and well we went out alot a night..... But first for the major news
She got engaged in EuroDisney of all places. Oh the irony of irony. I remember when I went to disney with her in California and had to practically wrestle her to the floor in order to wear the lovely embroidered mickey ears that we all had. Oh the memories. I will take the time to mention that she is DESERTING ME and moving across the pond But that is ok, I will just have to take yet another trip to Europe at some point.

Anyways, apparently a bunch of my students went over to Yaniv at the Blue Fringe concert and introduced themselves. For some reason I find that hilariously funny...but then again I am strange.

I got my ticket and hotel info for Washington and it's actually a really really nice hotel. I am going a day early and they are paying for the hotel that night. Whoo hoo! And thank you to oh-bridal-pet for not having your engagement party that day because I know that you would have been really annoyed if I didn't show up. I know you need someone to dig your claws into while you have that happy I am going to kill someone smile on your face. I think we all understand.

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