Monday, July 30, 2007

I will talk about the weekend soon in the blog...but first, I think I am losing some patience for the stupidity of other people, you assume to a certain extent that people can be logical (which is funny I should say that because I am not the most logical but anyways..) here is one thing that has happened of late.

I ordered sneakers on and I put a separate shipping and billing address. They left me a message on Friday to verify the address and that someone did not get a hold of my credit cards and charge something to it. So I called back today and the woman told me, oh, we went ahead and shipped it because we figured since no one called us back that the address was okay. Doesn't that defeat the purpose of calling me in the first place????

More stupid things have happened but I dunno if I should publish them so if you are curious, just ask!

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Anonymous said...

Доброй ночи!

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